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You are not alone

Let your stories be heard.


About our Project

The "Your Story Matters!" project produced a drama about depression awareness with a real-life story-based script. The drama is recorded and uploaded here, on our official website.


We aim to destigmatize patients with depression

and raise university students' awareness about depression. We also seek to increase university students’ tendency to seek professional help.

This project spans 8 months, our planning started in September 2022 and our performance debuted in April 2023. Our drama "In the Depths of the Ocean" has reached over 200 live audiences and received positive reviews...


Depression 抑鬱症

Symptoms 病徵
  • Depressed mood 心情憂鬱

  • Loss of interest or pleasure 失去興趣或愉悅感

  • Irregular weight change (More than 5% in a month) 體重明顯減輕或增加(一個月內體重變化超過5%)

  • Insomnia or hypersomnia 失眠或嗜眠

  • Psychomotor agitation or retardation 精神動作激動或遲緩

  •  Fatigue or loss of energy 疲倦或無精打采

  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt 自我感到無價值感,或者有過度或不恰當的罪惡感

  • Difficulties in concentration, thinking or decision making 思考能力或專注力降低,或是猶豫不決

  • Recurrent thoughts of death and suicide 反覆有自殺意念

Common Subtypes 常見種類
  • Persistent depressive disorder (Dysthymia) 輕鬱症

  • Recurrent Depression 復發性抑鬱症

  • Psychotic Depression 精神病性抑鬱症

  • Atypical Depression 非典型抑鬱症

  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder 侵擾性情緒失調症

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder 季節性抑鬱症

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 經前期不悅症

  • Postpartum Disorder 產後抑鬱症

  • Bipolar Disorder 躁狂抑鬱症

Depression in Hong Kong 抑鬱症在香港的情況
  • In 2018, 68.5 % of Hong Kong university students showed mild to severe depressive symptoms, 9% of which showed moderately severe to severe depressive symptoms

       2018年,68.5% 香港大學生反映有輕微至嚴重抑鬱症徵狀,當中有9%大學生反映有中度嚴重至嚴重抑鬱症徵狀

  •  In 2019, 48.8% of Hong Kong citizens showed mild to severe depressive symptoms,  7% of which showed moderately severe to severe depressive symptoms

       48.8% 香港市民反映有輕微至嚴重抑鬱症徵狀,當中有7%香港市民反映有中度嚴重至嚴重抑鬱症徵狀


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